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Auto Accidents

When you have been in an auto accident you want to feel better as soon as possible. Our goal is to help get rid of your pain as soon as possible. Our second goal is to correct any issues that were caused by the accident, so you do not experience pain later on in life due to that specific injury.
If the accident you were involved in was not your fault, there should be coverage from the other car involved. Of course, even if you were at fault there are still potential ways of covering your healthcare expense as related to the accident. If there is no coverage or it was a hit and run, there still may be coverage on your own car insurance. Another option is your personal health insurance. Either way our goal is to get you feeling back to the way you felt before the accident occurred. Give us a call to discuss
your options or to set up a free consultation with Dr. Marshall.
Who can be treated for an auto accident injury?
Literally anyone can be treated for injuries sustained in a car wreck, including people of all ages. Children especially should have the opportunity to be checked. Young kids can sometimes lack the ability to express if they have any pain or discomfort. Even if they do appear to feel fine, they should be checked. There are potential issues that could arise from an impact that could cause pain later on in life.
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Conditions Treated from Auto Accident Injuries

  • Neck Pain
  • Back Pain
  • Headaches
  • Pain Into the Arms or Legs
  • Any Type of Muscle or Joint Pain

There are many reasons to start your path to recovery at Marshall Chiropractic

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